January 24, 2014 Teleconference Meeting of the Electricity Advisory Committee
Date: Friday, January 24, 2014 2:00 p.m. - 3:05 p.m. ET
Location: EAC committee members took part in this meeting by telephone conference call. The public could participate in the meeting via telephone conference call using participation information available in the Federal Register Notice announcing the meeting.
The Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee held a teleconference meeting on Friday, January 24. This meeting was held to discuss the National Grid Energy Storage Strategy document drafted by the EAC's Energy Storage subcommittee. Members of the public were invited to participate via web or phone.
Federal Register Notice (FRN) Announcing the Meeting
The EAC's Energy Storage subcommittee released an Energy Storage National Strategy Report. The final document is now available. This document presents the EAC's vision for a national energy storage strategic plan. It provides an outline for guidance, alignment, coordination, and inspiration for governments, businesses, advocacy groups, academics, and others who share a similar vision for energy storage.
Transcript of the January 24, 2014 Meeting