The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the release of its draft Energy Storage Strategy and Roadmap (SRM), and update to the Energy Storage Grand Challenge Roadmap (December 2020). This draft Energy Storage SRM updates the ESGC 2020 Roadmap (the original energy storage strategic plan) in consideration of the progress made across the energy storage sector since 2020, as well as to reflect DOE’s recent activities in support of its energy storage mission and vision.
The draft Energy Storage SRM represents a significantly expanded strategic revision on the original ESGC 2020 Roadmap. This SRM outlines actions that implement the strategic objectives facilitating safe, beneficial and timely storage deployment; empower decisionmakers by providing data-driven information analysis; and leverage the country’s global leadership to advance durable engagement throughout the innovation ecosystem.
The draft Energy Storage SRM is structured as follows:
Introduction providing the context for the present draft of the SRM.
Section 1 of this SRM presents the mission and vision driving DOE’s energy storage activities across various DOE programs and offices. The mission identifies the purpose of DOE’s coordinated energy storage efforts while the vision describes the desired end-state for this SRM.
Section 2 describes the strategic approach and high-level direction for DOE’s energy storage research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) activities that establishes the blueprint for DOE’s energy storage roadmap (Section 5). The roadmap provides more tactical direction, informed by the mission, vision, and strategic approach.
Section 3 presents an overview of the types of DOE activities that support DOE’s Energy Storage SRM. Activities include not only conventional research activities, but also those efforts that are foundational and crosscutting in support of the mission and vision of the SRM as well as stakeholder engagements. Representative activities are identified in the appendix.
Section 4 describes the portfolio of energy storage technologies and highlights opportunities for future DOE investment based on the current landscape of technologies and use cases.
Section 5 describes the path forward to achieve the strategic objectives and vision of this Energy Storage SRM. This section highlights DOE activities to facilitate technology innovation and deployment, to empower decision-makers, and to strengthen collaboration throughout the energy storage ecosystem.
Finally, Section 6 summarizes anticipated outcomes and next steps over the next decade as DOE works to implement this Energy Storage SRM.
The appendices provide additional context for the Energy Storage SRM:
Appendix A identifies DOE offices with relevant energy storage R&D programs.
Appendix B provides a list of acronyms used in this document.
Appendix C provides a list of key terms and definitions used in this document.
Appendix D provides updates to the ESGC 2020 Roadmap action items and targets; it also describes major transitions from the ESGC 2020 Roadmap to the current SRM.
Appendix E identifies representative DOE activities contributing to DOE’s energy storage portfolio.
Appendix F reviews the relevant 2015 GMI MYPP energy storage activities for connections to this SRM and DOE’s energy storage activities. Additionally, relevant elements of the GMI MYPP 2020 Update are also discussed.
Appendix G highlights relevant policy and regulatory drivers impacting the energy storage landscape.
Appendix H highlights representative examples of DOE’s international energy storage activities and initiatives.
Appendix I summarizes the recommendations from the Electricity Advisory Committee’s 2022 Biennial Energy Storage Review, which focused on the ESGC 2020 Roadmap.
DOE seeks public comment to inform development of its Energy Storage. DOE is seeking input from the public, especially from interested individuals and entities, such as industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders in the energy storage sector.
Federal Register Notice of Availability
89 FR 104129 December 20, 2024
This document, concerning DOE’s draft Energy Storage Strategy and Roadmap, is an action issued by the Department of Energy. Though it is not intended or expected, should any discrepancy occur between the document posted here and the document published in the Federal Register, the Federal Register publication controls. This document is being made available through the Internet solely to facilitate the public's access to this document. The comment period will close on Feb. 3, 2025.
Draft DOE Energy Storage Strategy and Roadmap
December 20, 2024
Comment Template (provided to facilitate submission; use is not required)
December 20, 2024