DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) released a Notice of Intent (NOI) to issue Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), titled “Increasing Utilization and Reliability of Electric Infrastructure with Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs).”
December 20, 2022(February 24, 2023) The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a $6.5 million Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to accelerate the development of grid-enhancing technologies (GETs). The Office of Electricity (OE) and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) will provide funding for technologies designed to improve grid reliability, optimize the electricity infrastructure in existing rights-of-way, and facilitate renewable resource interconnection and market access by improving the reliability and efficiency of power transfer.
(December 20, 2022) DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), on behalf of DOE's OE, released an NOI to issue a FOA titled “Increasing Utilization and Reliability of Electric Infrastructure with Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs).” The FOA is planned for release in February 2023 and will aim to fill gaps in information on the real-world benefits and usage of GETs through at-scale field demonstrations. The impact of GETs technologies like Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) and Power Flow Controllers (PFCs) is highly location-dependent, and demonstrations across a variety of systems differing in scale, geography, and topology would be useful in determining important aspects for the location specific impact of GETs.
DOE is primarily interested in demonstration of the capabilities of DLR and PFCs, however, applications for demonstrations of other GETs technologies will not be excluded.
The holistic operation of an advanced and modern grid would include the GETs to be studied here (PFCs and DLR) along with Dynamic Transformer Rating, equipment asset monitoring for active management, energy storage, and dispatchable demand side resources, such as demand response are of interest to DOE.
While DOE is primarily interested in demonstrations conducted on transmission systems, projects that include both transmission and distribution GETs, and explore coordinated planning and operation across these boundaries, are encouraged.
If released, the estimated period of performance for each award has a period of performance of up to 3 years. This NOI intends to provide advance notice so that prospective applicants (to the proposed FOA) can begin preparing (such as assembling project teams, formulating ideas, and gathering data) in anticipation of the issuance of the FOA.
No applications will be accepted through this NOI. Although DOE is not requesting comments on this NOI, interested parties can chose to submit comments to DOE at [email protected]. If released, the proposed FOA will be posted at and at FedConnect. Entities interested in applying for awards under the subject FOA are strongly encouraged to register at these sites to receive notification of announcements regarding the FOA.