OE Discontinues Publication of the Energy Assurance Daily

OE Discontinues Publication of the Energy Assurance Daily

Office of Electricity

June 13, 2017
minute read time

The Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability’s (OE) Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER) Division has discontinued publication of the Energy Assurance Daily (EAD) which provided a daily summary of publicly-reported energy sector events. Given the ease with which the public can search online for information and the availability of free customizable news alerts, the EAD is now duplicative and the utilization of the EAD has diminished. Given the decreased utilization of the EAD, OE determined that resources could be more effectively directed to other activities. ISER will continue to provide publicly-available situation reports on the OE website during major events affecting the energy sector and will continue to ensure that Federal and state partners are alerted to pertinent information. Federal partners and State Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators are also encouraged to register for EAGLE-I, which provides situational awareness about the nation’s energy infrastructure, by visiting https://eagle-i.doe.gov/

Alternative public sources of information are available. Examples include Bing News (bing.com/news), Google News (news.google.com) and Yahoo News (yahoo.com/news). Customized news searches can be created with such parameters as:

  • “Crude Oil Petroleum Product Pipeline Leak Explosion [City or State or Region]”

  • “Natural Gas Pipeline Leak Explosion [City or State or Region]"

  • “Power Outage [City or State or Region]”

  • “Refinery Upset [City or State or Region]”

Past EAD reports will remain archived at https://www.oe.netl.doe.gov/ead.aspx.

During a major event affecting the energy sector, DOE will continue providing publicly-available situation reports on the OE website. Other federal sources of information include:

·         NOAA National Hurricane Center and

·         DOE’s central location for common waivers and special permits used for energy response which includes hours of service, safety, fuel blend, and Jones Act; points of contact at the appropriate Federal agencies; and links to the various forms.  

To learn more about how OE helps ensure the security, resiliency and survivability of key energy assets and critical energy infrastructure, visit the Energy Assurance section of the OE website.

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