The DOE-funded Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) is offering a free public webinar presenting research activities related to development of a PMU performance analyzer (PPA) tool for in-lab and remove, in-field testing; and data mining a...
November 13, 2015Phasor Measurement Units (PMU's) provide synchronized measurements at high rates for wide area situational awareness and decision support for mission critical applications. High quality PMU data is vital for these applications, especially for real-time wide area control.
The DOE-funded Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) is offering a free public webinar that will present research activities related to development of a PMU performance analyzer (PPA) tool for in-lab and remove, in-field testing; and data mining approaches for data cleansing and for analyzing impacts of data quality on PMU applications. The talk will include a discussion of a real-time wide area monitoring and control test bed that will support the testing and validation of PMU's and PMU-based applications.
The webinar will be held Tuesday, November 17, 2015 from 2-3 p.m. ET. No pre-registration is necessary.
For more information and details on logging into the webinar, please see the announcement (PDF) or visit PSERC's website.