Energy Department Seeks Input on Distribution and Large Power Transformers

Energy Department Seeks Feedback on Distribution and Large Power Transformers

Office of Electricity

April 7, 2023
minute read time

Request for Information to Inform Future Funding Opportunities

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE's) Office of Electricity (OE) today announced a Request for Information (RFI) soliciting feedback from transformer manufacturers, utilities, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other applicable stakeholders regarding distribution and power transformers. Upgraded transformers and other grid equipment are key to supporting the future grid to make it more resilient, reliable, and secure by replacing outdated, expensive technologies, some more than 100 years old.

These components carry and control electricity from generation to transmission and distribution. The electric power system’s evolution requires research, development, and demonstration to inform understanding of the physical impact new technologies and approaches changes have on transformers and other critical grid components.   

“A resilient, reliable, and secure grid is the foundation for America’s continued global leadership in the clean energy transition,” said Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary for Electricity. “New components such as advanced transformers can help us to modernize the power grid to strengthen reliability today and prepare it to meet the demands of the future.”

We invite stakeholders to provide feedback on these categories:

  • Priority Transformer Research Questions: the highest priority distribution and power transformer research questions most relevant to a successful U.S. transformer industry. 
  • Transformer Technology Development: distribution and power transformer technology gaps.
  • Transformer Supply Chain Constraints: developing a domestic supply chain to support competitive, efficient, high-quality, and cost-effective U.S. transformer manufacturing. 
  • Market Adoption and Industry/Sector Sustainability: reliable supply and demand, factors for product adoption, and opportunities to build a sustainable U.S. market. 

Submit responses to this RFI (DE-FOA-0003021) to [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm on May 5, 2023.

See more about OE’s work on advanced grid components here.

  • Supply Chains
  • Clean Energy
  • American Manufacturing
  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes