The Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, September 28, and Thursday, September 29, 2016 at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA.
October 20, 2016The Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, September 28, and Thursday, September 29, 2016 at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
- EAC Smart Grid Subcommittee Activities and Plans - Paul Centolella, EAC Energy Storage Subcommittee Chair
- EAC Power Delivery Subcommittee Activities and Plans - John Adams, EAC Power Delivery Subcommittee Chair
- EAC Energy Storage Subcommittee Activities and Plans - Merwin Brown, EAC Energy Storage Subcommittee Chair
- Panel: Grid Impacts of High Penetration of Plug-in Electric Vehicles - Ake Almgren, Moderator
- Chris Nelder, Manager, Rocky Mountain Institute
- Mateo Jaramillo, VP Products and Programs, Tesla
- Tom Doughty, VP Customer and State Affairs, CAISO
- Watson Collins, Manager of Business Development, Eversource Energy
- Update on the Grid Modernization Initiative Working Group Activities and Plans - Anjan Bose, Working Group Chair
- Update on the Clean Power Plan Working Group Activities and Plans - Carl Zichella, EAC Vice Chair