Electricity Advisory Committee Meeting Presentations March 2012 - Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Office of Electricity

March 6, 2012
minute read time

The Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee held a meeting on Monday, March 5 and Tuesday, March 6 at the Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
  • OE's Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration Division - Bill Bryan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for ISER
  • OE's Research and Development Division's Smart Grid Program - Eric Lightner and Joe Paladino, OE R&D
  • EAC Smart Grid Subcommittee Workplan - Wanda Reder, EAC Smart Grid Subcommittee Chair
  • OE's Research and Development Division's Energy Storage Technologies Program - Imre Gyuk, OE R&D
  • EAC Energy Storage Technologies Subcommittee 2012 Work Plan - Ralph Masiello, EAC Energy Storage Technologies Subcommittee Chair