To maximize the impact of OCED demonstration programs and accelerate commercial liftoff, we are pursuing a portfolio approach to strategic planning and risk management. OCED works closely with industry, non-profits, public entities, as well as DOE and U.S. Government experts to capture and share critical, transferable learnings from our portfolio of projects. This work aims to improve DOE’s and the market’s understanding of clean energy technologies, encourage future investments by the public and private sector, and accelerate commercial liftoff.
The reports on this page include information on the state of play, opportunities, and trajectories of key technologies in OCED’s portfolio; strategic plans and future program designs to maximize program and portfolio impact; market analysis; and portfolio risk.
Multi-Year Program Plan
The Multi-Year Program Plan describes the broad and interlinked programs that OCED is pursuing to achieve its mission. This includes strategies and frameworks the office will use to assess success at the program and portfolio levels, and criteria it will leverage to identify opportunities for new and impactful programs in the future. The plan also details the structure underpinning OCED’s demonstration approach, including how it manages projects and portfolio risk, and how engagement is employed to inform continuous improvement across the portfolio.
Pathways to Commercial Liftoff
DOE’s Pathways to Commercial Liftoff reports provide public and private sector capital allocators with a perspective as to how and when various technologies could reach full-scale commercial adoption–including a common analytical fact base and critical signposts for investment decisions. Given the constantly and rapidly evolving market, technology, and policy environment, the Liftoff Reports are designed to be “living documents”–and will be updated as the commercialization outlook on each technology evolves.
Portfolio Insights
OCED’s Portfolio Insights is a collection of documents that inform and facilitate private sector capital deployment, including documenting program progress against commercialization barriers identified by the Pathways to Commercial Liftoff reports, capturing key observations and trends, communicating portfolio themes, and highlighting future areas to watch.
OCED Investment Value Proposition & Risk Approach
The OCED Investment Value Proposition outlines OCED’s general philosophy towards its investments. In the context of OCED’s mission, mandate, and investment philosophy, the OCED Investment Risk Approach outlines OCED’s general approach towards risk-taking in its funding activities, including around risk classification and management. These publications aim to provide the private sector and the American public with a clearer understanding of OCED's approach to its investments and facilitate a more informed dialogue concerning the commercialization of its portfolio.
These reports reflect a broad overview of OCED’s investment philosophy and should not be interpreted as either policy or procedural guidelines, or as an investment decision framework that will apply to OCED projects or operations in all instances.