Software-Defined Solutions for Managing Energy Use in Small Commercial Buildings

UC-Berkeley researchers are developing an open-architecture building control platform called BOSSWAVE, along with dashboards and installation tools.


July 21, 2014
minute read time

Lead Performer: University of California-Berkeley – Berkeley, CA
-- California Institute for Energy and Environment – Berkeley, CA
-- Western Regional Cooling Center/UC Davis – Davis, CA
-- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Berkeley, CA
DOE Funding: $498,959
Cost Share: $12,500
Project Term: December 9, 2013 – October 31, 2014
Funding Opportunity Announcement: “Turn-Key” Open Source Software Solutions for Energy Management of Small to Medium Sized Buildings -- 2013 (DE-FOA-0000822)

Phase 1 Source Code Repository

Access the Open Building Automation System (OpenBAS) solution.

Project Objective

Buildings consume about 40% of U.S. energy. While large commercial buildings benefit from automation systems that enable energy-efficient operations, about 90% of commercial buildings are under 50,000 square feet with varied uses and operations, but are rarely equipped with a building automation system (BAS) to manage heating, cooling, lighting, and other energy-burning operations. An Open-source and Open software-architecture Building Automation System (Open BAS) for these buildings can have a big payoff in energy efficiency.

The UC Berkeley-Lawrence Berkeley National Lab-UC Davis team is developing a BAS that employs an open-source and open software architecture (to share expertise and services, and encourage third-party development), plug-and-play HVAC, lighting, and plugload control devices (to accommodate equipment often installed over time, with a mélange of interfaces, connections, and capabilities), an intuitive user interface (for easy adoption by building operators), and software tools to allow easy configuration and setup of the platform. This research is based on research development extending sMAP 2.0 ( and with BOSSWAVE distributed robust security and event based (pub-sub) communication architecture.


DOE Technology Manager: Marina Sofos
Principal Investigator: Carl Blumstein, University of California-Berkeley

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