Energy Storage Strategy and Roadmap

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Storage Strategy and Roadmap (SRM) represents a significantly expanded strategic revision on the original ESGC 2020 Roadmap. This SRM outlines activities that implement the strategic objectives facilitating safe, beneficial and timely storage deployment; empower decisionmakers by providing data-driven information analysis; and leverage the country’s global leadership to advance durable engagement throughout the innovation ecosystem.  

The underlying motivation for DOE’s strategic investment in energy storage is to ensure that the American people will have access to energy storage innovations that enable resilient, flexible, affordable, and secure energy systems and supply, for everyone, everywhere. This updated SRM presents a clarified mission and vision, a strategic approach, and a path forward to achieving specific objectives that empower a self-sustaining energy storage ecosystem that develops, delivers, and deploys breakthrough solutions to meet a range of real-world applications, across multiple time horizons. This SRM does not address new policy actions, nor does it specify budgets and resources for future activities. 

This Energy Storage SRM responds to the Energy Storage Strategic Plan periodic update requirement of the Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) section of the Energy Policy Act of 2020 (42 U.S.C. § 17232(b)(5)).  The SRM is being posted in draft form for public comment to inform the final version of the SRM.   

Learn more about DOE’s energy storage activities supporting DOE’s energy storage mission and vision through the Energy Storage Grand Challenge.