Idaho National Laboratory's (INL) Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Research and Education Campus (REC) in Idaho Falls, Idaho is home to state-of-the-art hydrogen laboratory testing capabilities and supports commercial developers looking to design, operate, and prove the performance of HTE modules. Due to a lack of available space and limited power supply at REC, DOE needs an alternative location to support INL’s research for industry-enabling clean energy demonstration systems. The purpose of the proposed action is to address a strategic gap in the US acceleration pathway for commercial deployment of HTE systems (up to 10 MW), particularly SOECs and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems, by supplying the operations necessary for installing, testing, and operating a wide range of potential HTE technology demonstrations.
Public Comment Opportunities
DOE invites public comment now through August 15, 2024. Comments can be sent by mail or email to the following addresses:
Sergio Hernandez
U.S. Department of Energy
Idaho Operations Office
1955 Fremont Avenue
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415-1235
Email: [email protected]