DOE/EA-2255: e-VAC Magnetics Project Eagle Magnet Manufacturing Plant, Sumter, South Carolina

e-VAC Magnetics Project Eagle Magnet Manufacturing Plant, Sumter, South Carolina

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Programs Office (LPO) is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider the environmental impacts associated with providing potential financial assistance (a federal loan) to support the construction and operation of a new rare earth permanent magnet manufacturing facility (Project Eagle) in Sumter, South Carolina.

Public Comment Opportunities

The Loan Programs Office has requested comments on the proposed project. The public comment period closes June 13, 2024. Comments can be submitted via:

Email: [email protected] Please include “e-VAC EA” in the subject line.  

Mail: If you would like to submit comments by mail, please call 240-687-6687 for more information.