DOE/EA-2197: Revised Draft Environmental Assessment (April 2024)

Revised Draft Environmental Assessment for the North Dakota CarbonSAFE: Tundra Project (DOE/EA-2197).

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

April 12, 2024
minute read time

North Dakota CarbonSAFE: Project Tundra

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) prepared this revised draft environmental assessment (revised draft EA; DOE/EA-2197) to analyze the potential environmental impacts of partially funding a proposed project to design, construct, and operate an amine-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology at a coal-fired power plant. DOE proposes to provide cost-shared funding to Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc. (Minnkota) for the project at Minnkota’s Milton R. Young Station (MRY), an existing lignite-fired coal power plant in Oliver County, North Dakota. 

DOE issued a draft EA for public review and comment in August 2023. DOE received many comments on the draft EA. Due to the increased level of public interest and number of comments received, DOE prepared a Comment Response document, included as Appendix K, and is reissuing the draft EA (revised draft EA). An additional 30-day comment period will allow interested parties to review the comments and responses, as well as any edits to the draft EA.
Changes to the text of the draft EA are shown with a line down the left side for ease of comparison.

For more information, see North Dakota CarbonSAFE: Project Tundra.