Supplement Analysis for the Supplemental EIS for the Energia Sierra Juarez Transmission Line Project; California
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 5, 2023Energia Sierra Juarez Transmission Line Project; California
The Department of Energy (DOE), Grid Deployment Office (GDO) has prepared this supplement analysis (SA) to evaluate the existing environmental impact statements (EISs) in light of changes that could have bearing on the potential environmental impacts previously analyzed. In November 2020, CAISO (California Independent System Operator) completed an interconnection study that evaluated the impact of an incremental additional 300 MW injection of generation from CIM (Cimarron Wind, phase 2 and 3 of the ESJ Wind Project). On May 18, 2022, ESJ submitted an application requesting that DOE amend Article 3 of PP-334 to increase the maximum authorized rate of transmission across the approved facilities to 700 MW.
For more information, see Energia Sierra Juarez Transmission Line Project (DOE/EIS-0414-S1).