Utility Energy Service Contract Task Order Template

This template can be used by federal agencies as a draft for a utility energy service contract task order.

Federal Energy Management Program

May 25, 2023
minute read time

This template can be used by federal agencies as a draft for a utility energy service contract (UESC) task order (TO). An agency can place UESC TOs under the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) areawide contract (AWC) using the Authorization for Energy Management Services Exhibit, a TO under a Basic Ordering Agreement, or a stand-alone contract with their selected distribution utility.

Blue, italicized font is used throughout the document where elective verbiage or recommended guidance is provided. This verbiage and guidance will be included or referenced at the agency’s discretion. All clauses incorporated into any contract or TO from this template, and in particular the recommended list of Federal Acquisition Regulations clauses provided in the template, should be reviewed carefully by the Contracting Officer, and edited as applicable depending on the project scope and agency-specific requirements. The TO template provides a tool for the federal agency to use at its discretion and is in no way binding to the federal government agency.

The template is a working document that will be edited on an on-going basis based on lessons learned.