2023 Federal Utility Partnership Working Group Seminar Showcases Collaboration Between Federal Agencies and Utilities

The 2023 Federal Utility Partnership Working Group Seminar was held on May 1–2, 2023, in Arlington, Virginia. Managed by the Federal Energy Management Program, this year’s seminar was co-hosted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Federal Energy Management Program

May 18, 2023
minute read time

Sold-Out Event Boasts Largest Attendance on Record

ARLINGTON, VA — The 2023 Federal Utility Partnership Working Group (FUPWG) Seminar was held on May 1–2, 2023, in Arlington, Virginia. Managed by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), this year's seminar was co-hosted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).

The sold-out seminar was the first in-person FUPWG event since 2019 and boasted the largest attendance on record, with 45% attending for the first time. Federal Chief Sustainability Officer Andrew Mayock thanked FEMP Utility Program Manager Tracy Niro for "bringing such compelling content and people to this event," calling FUPWG "a great investment of our most precious thing: our time."

Attendees of the federal utilities partnership working group 2023 seminar sitting at tables listening to a speaker panel at the front of the room.

Attendees of the 2023 FUPWG Seminar listening to a panel of speakers.

The two-day event opened with an introduction from Niro and a welcome from NRECA Director of Business Transformation Lauren Khair who encouraged those in attendance to keep developing their partnerships in pursuit of an affordable, equitable, and just clean energy transition.

Later in the day, Federal Fleet Manager Sonya Smith-Pickel unveiled the new FEMP ZEV Ready Electrification Center, a guide to help federal fleet and facility managers select and acquire zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

We are dedicated to helping federal agencies and partners achieve their sustainability goals.

FEMP Director Mary Sotos

On day two, FEMP Director Mary Sotos moderated a session on partnering with FEMP, saying, "We are dedicated to helping federal agencies and partners achieve their sustainability goals." This sentiment was echoed by FEMP Engagement Supervisor Creshona Armwood who encouraged federal and private sector attendees to take advantage of FEMP's many engagement methods and programs, including extensive on-demand and live training.

A wide variety of federal agencies, utilities, and trade groups were represented throughout the two-day program, with presenters from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, Department of Energy, General Services Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, American Public Power Association, and Edison Electric Institute.

Two women holding a plaque of special recognition.

FEMP Utility Program Director Tracy Niro presented a special recognition plaque to NRECA, co-sponsor of the 2023 seminar.

Topics covered throughout the seminar included:

FUPWG was initiated in 1994 after a provision in the Energy Policy Act of 1992 authorized agencies to participate in incentive programs with their serving utilities. Each year, FUPWG hosts at least one seminar that is open to the public and co-hosted by one of FEMP's utility partners. Attendees include representatives from federal agencies, utilities, co-ops, energy service companies (ESCOs), and other interested parties.

The seminars provide a venue for information exchange and training that fosters effective partnerships between federal agencies and utilities to develop solutions which leverage private sector investment in federal facility infrastructure to improve energy and water efficiency and support federal building decarbonization. Additionally, continuing education units (CEUs) are offered for professional stakeholders who hold licenses and certifications that require continuing education.

Meeting presentations and the final agenda are posted after each seminar.

Learn more about FUPWG and attend future events.

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