DOE/EIS-0391: Amended Record of Decision (January 31, 2023)

Addresses DOE’s proposal to transport and treat certain solid and liquid secondary wastes at licensed and permitted commercial treatment facilities off the Hanford Site.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

January 31, 2023
minute read time

Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste Approach at the Hanford Site; Richland, Washington

DOE issued this Amended Record of Decision (AROD) based on the supplement analysis (DOE/EIS-0391-SA-03; SA) which evaluated DOE’s proposal to transport and treat certain solid and liquid secondary wastes at licensed and permitted commercial treatment facilities off the Hanford Site. This amended record of decision (ROD) addresses those portions of the DFLAW functions and facilities that were not addressed by the 2013 TC&WM EIS ROD.

For more information, see Tank Closure and Waste Management for the Hanford Site.