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The Separations Process Research Unit (SPRU) site is located at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in New York State. SPRU is an inactive pilot plant that was used to research and develop chemical processes to separate plutonium from other radioactive material. As a result of operations, contamination occurred at two buildings and interconnecting pipe tunnels, as well as approximately 30 acres of land where waste containers were managed.

Cleanup activities at SPRU to date have resulted in removal of the nuclear facilities (including the sub-grade building foundations and tank vaults), remediation of land areas, shipment of the resulting waste to the appropriate off-site disposal facilities, and transfer of the areas back to the Office of Naval Reactors. All site physical work finished in summer 2019. A storage facility containing 24 containers of TRU waste remains at the site. This waste was generated from removal of sediments in building sumps and some of the SPRU processing equipment.

News Releases

On March 31, 2009 Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced $6 billion in new funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to accelerate environmental cleanup work and create thousands of jobs across 12 states. Projects identified for funding will focus on accelerating cleanup of soil and groundwater, transportation and disposal of waste, and cleaning and demolishing former weapons complex facilities.

Please visit the following web sites for additional information on the Office of Environmental Management's projects and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: /recovery-act