EM's demolition of above-ground portions of Building G2 at the Separations Process Research Unit was completed on Nov. 18, a milestone in the ongoing cleanup at the former research site.
EM Consolidated Business Center- New York (EMCBC-NY)
November 30, 2016NISKAYUNA, N.Y. EM's demolition of above-ground portions of Building G2 at the Separations Process Research Unit was completed on Nov. 18, a milestone in the ongoing cleanup at the former research site. The photos above show the building before demolition and after demolition. Project contractor AECOM will work to remove structural steel and concrete. Building G2 was one of two buildings where research was conducted in the 1950s on chemical processes for separating plutonium and uranium from irradiated materials. Demolition at Building H2 is taking place under a ventilated enclosure.
EM Assistant Secretary Monica Regalbuto, third from left, toured the SPRU demolition project with, left to right, DOE SPRU Project Controls Lori Erbele; DOE SPRU Federal Project Director Steve Feinberg; AECOM Project Manager Jeff Selvey; EM Consolidated Business Center Director Ralph Holland; EM Consolidated Business Center Deputy Director Kash Grimes; and SPRU Deputy Site Manager Hugh Davis.
NISKAYUNA, N.Y. - EM Assistant Secretary Monica Regalbuto reviewed progress in the open-air demolition of Building G2 during a recent visit to the Separations Process Research Unit (SPRU) nuclear facility.
Regalbuto also observed demolition preparations for Building H2. The two primary SPRU buildings supported improvements in the chemical separation of plutonium for the nation’s Cold War defense.
With her SPRU visit, Regalbuto has now toured all 16 active EM sites in 11 states since her confirmation by the U.S. Senate to lead the DOE cleanup program in August 2015.
At SPRU, Regalbuto watched workers demolish the G2 superstructure and saw progress in removing steel-reinforced concrete process hot cell walls, several of which are 5 feet thick. She also observed the water spray and retention systems that ensure demolition dust remains within the project boundary.
"The work accomplished since the beginning of open-air demolition in July is truly impressive,” Regalbuto said. “Our DOE Field Office staff and AECOM have made significant progress, with an exceptional focus on protecting the workers, the environment and the public.”
Regalbuto also viewed crews within the H2 enclosure cutting a concrete slab to allow interior wall demolition and retrieval of three remaining large storage tanks for disposal. Demolition under the enclosure is expected to begin next month.
"AECOM and our DOE counterparts are working collaboratively and making great progress to safely demolish and eliminate the risk of these Cold War relics,” said Jeff Selvey, SPRU disposition project manager with EM contractor AECOM.