Create H5P Interactive Content

Learn how to make your content interactive using H5P

CMS Support

June 28, 2022
minute read time

Helpful Hint

The ability to create and edit Interactive H5P media is limited to CMS Users with Interactive Editor permissions. 

H5P Interactive Content may be used to create quizzes, image hotspots, course demonstrations, and more that may be displayed on your pages. 

How to Create H5P Interactive Content


  1. Select 'Add Media' from the top menu bar
  2. Select 'Interactive'
  3. Under 'Details', see Interactive Content - H5P
  4. Select the type of H5P content you would like to create 
  5. Configure the interactive content using the prompts provided 
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the window and select 'Save
    1. Helpful Hint: Be sure to check the Office Assignment before saving.

Once you've created your H5P Interactive Content, you may add it to your content using a Media Block, following the same steps you would to add other media such as an Image or Video. See our CMS Support Article on adding media to your content for additional steps. 

For examples of H5P interactive Content, see our H5P Demonstration page. 

Any Questions, Comments, or Requests?

Contact us at [email protected]