DOE/EA-2181: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

EA/FONSI for Syrah Technologies LLC Expansion of Active Anode Material Manufacturing Facility

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

February 2, 2022
minute read time

Syrah Technologies LLC Expansion of Active Anode Material Manufacturing Facility; Vidalia, Concordia Parish, Louisiana

DOE Loan Program Office issued a final EA and FONSI for Syrah Technologies LLC Expansion of Active Anode Material Manufacturing Facility (DOE/EA-2181), which assesses and documents the findings of potential environmental impacts of expanding its existing pilot plant with a second manufacturing plant (Project) to produce Active Anode Material (AAM) for automotive applications that will reduce air emissions-such as ozone precursors, particulate matter, and greenhouse gases (GHGs)-that contribute to global warming, and is consistent with the primary goal of the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) Program.

For more information, see Syrah Technologies LLC Expansion of Active Anode Material Manufacturing Facility.