Finding of No Significant Impact for Sabine Pass Amendment Project (DOE/EA-2175)
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
March 21, 2022Sabine Pass Amendment Project
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) prepared an EA that assesses the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to export an additional quantity of liquified natural gas in a volume equivalent to 1,661.94 Bcf/y, which represents an increase of 152.94 Bcf/y of natural gas. DOE, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, has an obligation under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act to authorize the import and export of natural gas, including LNG, unless it finds that the import or export is not consistent with the public interest.
Based on the EA, which DOE adopted as DOE/EA-2175, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management issued a final opinion and order granting long-term authorization to export liquefied natural gas to non-Free-Trade Agreement nations. Appendix B of the Order is DOE’s NEPA finding of no significant impact.
For more information, see Sabine Pass Amendment Project.