DOE/EA-2092: Final Environmental Assessment (October 2021)

Final DOE/EA-2092, Willow Creek Summit and Windy Devil Communication Station Project (October 2021).

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 22, 2021
minute read time

Willow Creek Summit and Windy Devil Communication Station Project; Custer County, Idaho

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a final EA for Radio System Upgrades at Willow Creek Summit and Windy Devil Annex (DOE/EA-2092), which assesses the potential environmental impacts of BPA’s proposed development of two communication stations in Custer County, Idaho – one near the existing Willow Creek Summit Communication Site on BLM land and one near the existing Windy Devil Communication Site on U.S. Forest Service land.

For more information, see Willow Creek Summit and Windy Devil Communication Station Project; Custer County, Idaho.