Final EA-2135 for restoration of a section of Birch Creek and associated floodplains in Umatilla County, Oregon.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 14, 2021Birch Creek Floodplain Restoration Project; Umatilla County, Oregon
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) issued final DOE/EA-2135, which analyzed the potential impacts of a proposal for BPA to provide funding for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to restore a section of Birch Creek and associated floodplains near the town of Reith in Umatilla County, Oregon, to enhance fish and wildlife habitat. The project would occur between river miles 2.25 and 3.2. Proposed restoration activities would occur within about a 70-acre area and would include about one mile of main-channel realignment and restoration; improving secondary channel and floodplain interactions; installing habitat-forming in-stream structures made from large pieces of wood; wetland enhancement and creation; and riparian and upland vegetation plantings.
For more information, see Birch Creek Floodplain Restoration Project.