LM are stewards of more than 4 million digital items. These digital artifacts include physical records indexes, finding aids, and electronic records via a content management application. physical records amounting to more than 70,000 cubic feet have been consolidated at the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) gold, National Archives and Records Administration-certified records storage facility in the Morgantown, West Virginia, Legacy Management Business Center. The 31,000 square-foot facility can store 150,000 cubic feet of records.
LM’s stewardship involves setting data management policies, maintaining a records inventory, associating appropriate retention policies, and preserving and destroying records following NARA guidance on federal records.
Historically, LM responds to approximately 1,800 stakeholder requests each year, including Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act requests, litigation, documentation for Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) claims, and other general information.
In addition to the records associated with more than 100 legacy cold war nuclear weapons production program sites, LM is responsible for reviewing historical material previously maintained by the DOE Office of History and Heritage Resources.
Federal Records Management Contact: Giancarlo Deguia.