Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (February 2013), establishes national policy on critical infrastructure security and resilience advancing a national unity of effort to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure. Identifies DOE as the SSA responsible for the energy sector in this directive. CESER’s role within PPD 21 is to work with energy infrastructure owners and operators to take proactive steps that manage risk and strengthen the national energy security infrastructure. CESER will coordinate with industry stakeholders to reduce vulnerabilities, disrupt threats, and improve response and recovery.
Federal Partners
Presidential Policy Directive -- Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
U.S. DOE is identified as the Sector-Specific Agency responsible for the Energy Sector in this directive. CESER’s role within PPD 21 is to work with energy infrastructure owners and operators to take proactive steps that manage risk and strengthen the national energy security infrastructure. CESER will coordinate with industry stakeholders to reduce vulnerabilities, disrupt threats, and improve response and recovery. CESER also will work alongside the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to strengthen the security and resilience of the national critical infrastructure.