Performer: Maalka Inc. – New York, NY
Performance Period: August 2019 – August 2019
DOE Funding: $1,000,000
Funding Type: 2019 SBIR Phase II
Related Projects: SBIR-2018: Portfolio-Level Energy-Efficiency Simulation Platform, EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, BEDES
Project Overview
The energy-efficiency program market consisting of cities, utilities, commercial real estate owners/managers and ESCOs is large and growing. With cost-effective individual ECMs like lighting upgrades becoming exhausted, the focus is shifting to portfolio-wide ECM strategies and deep retrofits.
In a phase I SBIR project, Maalka Inc. leveraged EnergyPlus and OpenStudio to add building energy simulation-driven ECM analysis and optimization to its customizable data collection and management platform. In this follow-on project, Maalka will focus on improving scalability of simulation, analysis, and visualization; providing additional modularity and customizability to its customers; and adding data integration options along with quality assurance metrics.
DOE Technology Manager: Amir Roth
Principal Investigator: Rimas Gulbinas, Maalka