SBIR-2018: Portfolio Level Energy-Efficiency Simulation Platform

Maalka is a data management and tracking platform for large building portfolios. Through this project, the Maalka team will integrate energy modeling and ECM evaluation capabilities into the platform.
Maalka is a data management and tracking platform for large building portfolios. Through this project, the Maalka team will integrate energy modeling and ECM evaluation capabilities into the platform.

Lead Performer: Maalka – New York, NY

DOE Total Funding: $150,000

Project Term: August 1, 2018 – February 1, 2019

Funding Type: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Release 2

Related Projects: EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, BEDES

Project Objective

In this project, Maalka will extend its existing building energy data management platform to enable and leverage accurate, low cost portfolio-level energy efficiency simulation (PLES). PLES will be designed to empower energy-efficiency program implementers at cities, utilities, and large portfolio management companies with tools that translate building energy data into actionable energy efficiency improvement and investment strategies. As part of PLES, the Maalka team will work with BTO’s OpenStudio team to extend OpenStudio model articulation, calibration, and ECM (energy conservation measures) analysis capabilities. The new capabilities will be available via a series of APIs (application programming interfaces) that will allow clients to customize the product and to connect it to their existing data systems.

Project Impact

The project targets the large and growing energy-efficiency program market consisting of cities, utilities, commercial real estate owners/managers and ESCOs with a focus on supporting a transition from individual ECMs to portfolio-wide ECM strategies and deep retrofits.
