DOE/EA-1636 for replacing wood poles on the Albany-Burnt Woods and Santiam-Toledo transmission lines.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
March 1, 2009Albany-Burnt Woods and Santiam-Toledo Pole Replacement Project; Oregon
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) issued preliminary (i.e., draft) DOE/EA-1636, which assessed the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to replace wood pole structures on the existing Albany-Burnt Woods single-circuit, 115‑kilovolt (kV) transmission line and along a portion of the existing Santiam-Toledo single circuit, 230‑kV transmission line.
For more information, see Albany-Burnt Woods and Santiam-Toledo Pole Replacement Project.DOE/EA-1636: Albany-Burnt Woods and Santiam-Toledo Pole Replacement Project; Oregon (Node ID: 301573)