DOE/EA-2133: Scoping for Environmental Assessment

Scoping for an EA for a proposal to fund multiple river and stream restoration projects in the Lemhi River Valley, Idaho.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

January 21, 2020
minute read time

Lemhi Valley River and Floodplain Restoration Projects; Idaho

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to fund multiple river and stream restoration projects in the Lemhi River Valley.

To understand the potential environmental impacts of this proposal, BPA will prepare an environmental assessment (EA; DOE/EA-2133). The EA will describe anticipated impacts to natural and human resources and include mitigation measures that would help avoid or minimize impacts. BPA is asking for comments to help determine the issues that should be addressed in the EA.

For more information, see Lemhi Valley River and Floodplain Restoration Projects.