CX-020902: LWR Integrated Energy Systems Interface Technology Development and Demonstration – FirstEnergy Solutions Corp – Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

FirstEnergy Solutions Corp – Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS), in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Arizona Public Servi…

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

September 26, 2019
minute read time

FirstEnergy Solutions Corp – Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS), in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Arizona Public Service (APS), and Xcel Energy Inc, proposes to investigate integrating nuclear power stations with hybrid hydrogen systems to avoid output curtailment during seasonal grid imbalances when renewable sources have high production. The principal objective of this project is to address electrical, thermal, monitoring, electrolysis unit response rate, and control interfaces that are required for scalable hydrogen generation pilot plants connected to light water reactor (LWR) power plants. The project will be divided into activities covered by two parallel program tracks. Track I will develop location-specific technical and economic assessments (TEAs) of LWR hybrid electricity/hydrogen plants including hydrogen storage for peak demand power generation. Track II will integrate and test a low-temperature electrolysis (LTE) pilot plant at DBNPS. Existing equipment and plant/laboratory facilities will be used.