Revision 1 adds additional scope related to seismic testing. See uploaded file of EC. The proposed action performs site characterization studies to…
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 22, 2019Revision 1 adds additional scope related to seismic testing. See uploaded file of EC. The proposed action performs site characterization studies to determine capability and suitability for locating a small modular reactor (SMR) on about 2000 acres at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site in Butte County, Idaho and to gather data for preparing a Combined License Application for an SMR. To complete site characterization, the project constructs roads to the site, procures and installs an office trailer, and erects a 60-meters high (about 197 ft) meteorological (met) tower. Figure 1 shows the project area in relation to the potential SMR location. The proposed action also maintains the T-11 road as necessary by dumping gravel fill material in holes and ruts then levelling and establishes a two-track road from T-11 to the potential SMR location (See Figure 1), about 1.1 miles from the T-11 road (See Section E, Project-Specific Instructions, #4). This proposed SMR location is under review and no decision has been made to site such a facility. A decision to use the proposed location for purposes other than site characterization studies is subject to further NEPA review.