DOE/EA-2113: Grazing Activities at Office of Legacy Management Sites


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Legacy Management (LM) is preparing a programmatic environmental assessment (PEA) (DOE/EA-2113) to evaluate the LM proposal to conduct grazing activities at some of its sites. Proposed grazing activities would be done in accordance with LM policies and procedures and include a process for implementing or excluding grazing at specific sites.

Specifically, this PEA evaluates (1) the potential impacts from grazing activities at identified LM sites and (2) establishing grazing at other existing LM-owned sites under a programmatic planning framework. The framework would provide a structure for LM to decide whether to graze a site, and it would be applied to all sites under consideration for grazing, for newly transitioned sites with habitat for livestock, and for grazed sites as licenses are being considered for renewal.