Legacy Management will conduct inventory, mapping, and soil and surface water sampling at abandoned uranium mines in the State of Utah in accordanc…
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
March 20, 2019Legacy Management will conduct inventory, mapping, and soil and surface water sampling at abandoned uranium mines in the State of Utah in accordance with the approved Defense-Related Uranium Mine work plan. Section 3151 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 mandates actions to verify and validate abandoned uranium mines associated with atomic energy defense activities of the United States. Activities include both inventory and verification and validation visits, which may be performed by state or federal agencies funded by Legacy Management; traveling to and from mine sites on existing roads; exploring the mine site and nearby areas for mine-related features; describing mine features and mine site conditions and recording their locations with Global Positioning System; recording gamma measurements using backpack-mounted instruments along transects within the mine disturbed area, in surrounding areas, sediment sheds, and background locations; utilizing All Terrain Vehicle/Utility Terrain Vehicles to collect gamma measurements on waste rock or disturbed areas at some large or very large mines; collecting samples by hand from the upper 6 inches of soils in mine waste rock areas and background locations; decontaminating sampling equipment in the field and managing small quantities of radioactively contaminated solid waste if present; and using unmanned aerial vehicles to supplement investigations at some locations.