Revised FONSI for expansion of borrow areas at the Hanford Site because a MAP issued with the initial FONSI in 2013 was not required
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
April 3, 2019Expansion of Borrow Areas on the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington
DOE issued a FONSI and Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) in the 2013 for expanding 11 existing sand and gravel borrow areas and developing one new sand and gravel borrow area on the Hanford Site. DOE issued a revised FONSI in 2019 because a MAP for this action was not required under DOE's NEPA regulations; mitigation was not necessary to reduce impacts below a threshold of significance that would require preparation of an EIS. DOE will continue to implement mitigation measures as originally stated.
For more information, see Expansion of Borrow Areas on the Hanford Site.