Lead Performer: EA Membranes – Wilmington, DE
DOE Total Funding: $150,000
Project Term: EA Membranes LLC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, DuPont
Funding Type: Small Business Innovation Research
Project Objective
Existing building envelope water resistant barriers provide either high permeance to facilitate moisture egression when the wall cavity is wet or low permeance to resist high moisture ingression. The high-permeance membranes do not prevent excessive moisture ingression at high outside humidity while the low-permeance membranes retard drying when the wall cavity becomes wet, e.g. by leakage. The proposed electrostatically actuated water resistant barrier for residential and commercial buildings provides a dual permeance membrane to more optimally control moisture flow into and out of a wall structure providing high permeance when the wall cavity is wet and low permeance when outside humidity is high. Sensors are used to detect ambient and wall cavity humidity and control actuation of the membrane’s high voltage power supply. The team will develop and test prototype membranes and the electrostatic actuation system, and develop a robust installation protocol.
Project Impact
The dynamic water resistant barrier can lower the net water content in the wall cavity thereby reducing the chance of mold growth and rot. Additionally, the adaptive membrane technology will provide architects and builders better design options for the building envelopes that are specifically engineered and suited for a local environment and climate.
DOE Technology Manager: Sven Mumme
Lead Performer: Joseph Trentacosta, EA Membranes