CX-019268: Advanced Test Reactor 5-Year Plant Health Investment Strategy (2018-2019)

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 4, 2018
minute read time

The Advanced Test Reactor 5-Year Plant Health Investment Strategy establishes strategic risk-based investments in Advanced Test Reactor to address maintenance backlog and improve plant health. This environmental checklist covers 5-Year Plant Health Investment Strategy activities anticipated for completion from fiscal year 2018 through 2019. Based on Idaho National Laboratory priorities, some activities in this environmental checklist may not be completed or funded and other activities could be added. Individual projects will be reviewed by the Program Environmental Lead and/or the National Environmental Policy Act Technical Lead to verify scope is covered by this National Environmental Policy Act analysis. In addition, the 5-year strategy is typically updated on an annual basis. This environmental checklist will be reviewed and revised consistent with the annual update to the 5-year strategy.

CX-019268.pdf (129.45 KB)