Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
December 3, 2018Argonne's scientific advancements require a strong foundation that supports reliable, redundant, maintainable, and flexible utility systems. A key component of Argonne National Laboratory's utility system portfolio is the high voltage electrical distribution system. Without this critical system, science at Argonne National Laboratory cannot exist. The high voltage electrical distribution system at Argonne consists of substations, transformers, high voltage electrical supply, and distribution cabling. All high voltage power is supplied to the laboratory via a single off site ComEd managed substation facility and limited to a peak power draw of 87 megavolt amperes. Once on site, electricity is distributed through laboratory managed substations, transformers, and facilities. The condition of these components of the electrical system limit the ability for the Laboratory to support the forecasted electrical demand growth and operational requirements. Electrical reliability is critical to achieving user facility operational goals. Examples of these goals include the Basic Energy Science program's 2017 target for Advanced Photon Source (APS) 90% schedule availability and the Advanced Scientific Computing Research program's 95% scheduled availability. BASE SCOPE: The project objective is to install two 138 kilovolt transmission lines connecting Argonne's 551 substation with a new ComEd substation south of the Argonne site.