CX-018961: Bonneville Power Administration Equipment Removal and Transfer within Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative’s Canby Substation

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 11, 2018
minute read time

Bonneville Power Administration proposes to transfer ownership of three potential transformers and a meter house, and the easement rights to that equipment to Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative. The potential transformers, meter house, and easement rights are located within Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative’s Canby Substation adjacent to Bonneville Power Administration’s Canby Substation. Bonneville Power Administration also proposes to remove three current transformers plus equipment in the meter house from Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative’s Canby Substation. The three current transformers and their respective steel pedestals would be unbolted from the concrete pads (the pads would remain in place). No ground disturbing activity would occur. 

CX-018961.pdf (313.44 KB)