Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 4, 2018The proposed radiological monitoring approach consists of continuous radon-222 (radon) and gamma radiation monitoring through the installation of a series of paired radon monitoring cups and thermoluminescent dosimeters within and around the perimeter of the disposal cell and outside of the site boundary. The objective of the monitoring is to provide decision makers with radiological data regarding the presence or absence of elevated radiological readings. The data would be compared to background conditions. It would provide supporting evidence that the disposal cell remains protective of human health and the environment. The initial installation would likely take place during the first quarter of fiscal year 2019 (October through December 2018) and is expected to take less than one week to complete. Monitoring devices will be affixed to t-posts and the existing perimeter fence within and outside of the site boundary. Continuous radiological monitoring is anticipated to occur throughout the next several years, with quarterly or semiannual collection and replacement of monitoring devices.