CX-007356: Categorical Exclusion Determination

Grant New Cingular Wireless’ request for use of right-of-way at the Salem Substation CX(s) Applied: B4.9 Date: 12/01/2011 Location(s): Oregon Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 1, 2011
minute read time
"Grant New Cingular Wireless’ request for use of right-of-way at the Salem Substation
CX(s) Applied: B4.9
Date: 12/01/2011
Location(s): Oregon
Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to grant a request submitted by New Cingular Wireless. BPA issued a CX for this project on September 19, 2011, however New Cingular Wireless slightly modified the location of the conduit and vault, and has resubmitted the right-of-way application. New Cingular Wireless proposes to place an approximately 140 foot long, 4 inch underground conduit from its existing wireless communications facility to an existing BPA utility pole located in a BPA right-of-way. A proposed vault for fiber, 3 feet 1 inch by 6 feet 7 inches, would be placed just outside the fenced area of the substation. The area has been previously disturbed. "