Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Cars parked under a roof of solar panels.
Lightbulb illustrating 90%.

The PV system at the Alan Bible Visitor Center is designed to handle 90% of power needs from April through October.

LocationBoulder City, Nevada
System TypePhotovoltaic (PV)
System Size121 kW
Installation Cost$863,000
Project Completion2010
Project Savings106,000 kWh/year
Load Service AreaAlan Bible Visitor Center; admin area parking and maintenance warehouses
Project ChampionBruce Nyhuis
FEMP AssistanceFeasibility study, design development, design review, and system performance evaluation

Since 2010, Lake Mead National Recreation Area has continued to "Go Green" with more than 600 PV panels recently installed on three shaded structures in an administrative area parking lot. The park’s new PV systems power their new maintenance warehouses, new Interagency Communications Center, and new offices in Boulder City.