Death Valley National Park

PV panels on the top of parking covers.
Lightbulb illustrating 100%.

Multiple PV systems, totaling more than 40 kW throughout the park, are used for reverse osmosis plants and dorms.

LocationDeath Valley, California
System TypePhotovoltaic (PV)
System Size90 kW
Installation Cost$793,000
Project Completion2012
Project Savings150 MWh/year
Load Service AreaFurnace Creek Visitor Center
Project ChampionSarah Craighead
FEMP AssistanceFeasibility study, funding assistance, design development, design review, and system performance evaluation

The remodeled Furnace Creek Visitor Center, which opened in February 2012, includes two PV systems—a 60-kW shade structure array and a 30-kW field array near the headquarters parking lot. The original visitor center, built in 1960, was nominated as a national historic structure and the remodel preserved significant features of the facility.