CX-018222: Idaho National Laboratory Research and Education Campus Integrated Priorities List

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 22, 2018
minute read time

Idaho National Laboratory maintains numerous office, laboratory, and support buildings at the Research and Education Campus in Idaho Falls. These facilities provide office and laboratory space, cafeteria, mail room, copy center, and document storage, and they contain electrical and mechanical rooms. Support, administrative, and engineering personnel are based in the Research and Education Campus facilities. Table 1 lists facilities that form the Research and Education Campus in Idaho Falls. Potable water, firewater, fire alarm notification and reporting, natural gas, electrical power, and city sewer are provided to these facilities. Idaho National Laboratory uses an integrated and coordinated facility health management process to identify, evaluate, monitor, maintain, repair, and upgrade structures, systems and components needed for safe and reliable operations at the Research and Education Campus. The Integrated Priorities List prioritizes deferred maintenance and long range maintenance planning activities based on necessity and risk.

CX-018222.pdf (47.41 KB)