Resilience Planning and Valuation

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) uses a comprehensive approach to resilience planning and implementation that enables federal agencies to optimize energy and water infrastructure, ensuring energy savings and cost and waste reduction in support of continuous mission operations.

FEMP's resilience approach includes:

  • A risk-informed methodology to identify and prioritize resilience gaps and solutions
  • A flexible process that is adaptable to an organization's site-specific characteristics and data granularity
  • A semi-quantitative foundation to support a sound justification for management investment in prioritized resilience solutions.

FEMP Resilience Tools

FEMP has developed the following tools to help federal agencies and other organizations create a baseline of grid outage costs at their site and guide them through the process of assessing and implementing projects to enhance site resilience.

Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN)

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Video courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Identify and Address Site Vulnerabilities

FEMP's TRN helps organizations manage the risk to critical missions from disruptions in energy and water services. It provides a systematic approach to identifying energy and water resiliency gaps and developing and prioritizing solutions that reduce risk. The TRN enables organizations to be proactive in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities to their critical energy and water systems to reduce outage impacts, and support continuous mission operations.

TRN Fact Sheets

Using TRN Resources to Incorporate Climate Change in Resilience Assessments

Assessing Resilience at Argonne National Laboratory

Assessing Resilience at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Calculating Energy and Water Loads for Resilience Planning

Customer Damage Function (CDF) Calculator

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Video courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy
Calculate the Cost of a Grid Outage

FEMP's CDF Calculator helps federal facility managers understand the costs incurred at their site as a result of an electric grid outage. The CDF Calculator is the first step in determining the potential avoided costs associated with resilience investments. Once a baseline of outage costs is identified, an organization can look to the REopt® web tool or TRN to further understand the cost of inaction or to build out a given solution to a facility such as a microgrid. 

CDF Calculator Fact Sheet

Understand the Costs of an Energy or Water Outage with the Customer Damage Function Calculator

FEMP convenes a quarterly Resilience Roundtable to discuss agency progress, challenges, and best practices, while also exchanging updates on federal resilience initiatives.

FEMP supports resilience planning and valuation by:

  • Documenting lessons learned and best practices to create dynamic options for use across all agencies
  • Collaborating with energy service companies and agencies to facilitate the development of site-specific and regional plans that use performance contracting as a critical component
  • Providing technical assistance to federal agencies in the implementation of resilience planning approaches
  • Convening stakeholders across the federal government to share replicable, cost-effective, reliable models.

Facility Optimization

Energy managers can also use FEMP's facility optimization and project procurement development tools to support resilient critical missions in federal facilities. Optimized facilities reduce grid load and require less backup power to maintain continuity of operations and full mission priorities.

Key Resources

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