DOE/EIS-0293: Amended Record of Decision (August 17, 2005)

Transfer of Land Tracts Located at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

August 17, 2005
minute read time

Conveyance and Transfer of Certain Land Tracts Administered by the Department of Energy and Located at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico

DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration is amending the Record of Decision for the Environmental Impact Statement for the Conveyance and Transfer of Certain Land Tracts Administered by DOE and located at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico (DOE/EIS-0293) to reflect changes in the need to retain a certain portion of a land tract withheld earlier due to potential national security mission requirements for a health and safety buffer area relating to on-going operations.

For more information, see Transfer of Land Tracts at Los Alamos National Laboratory.