2003-08-27 Regulations (final): 10 CFR Parts 1021 and 1022. Compliance with Floodplain and Wetland Environmental Review Requirements (current)

DOE NEPA Program History

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

January 24, 2018
minute read time

68 FR 51429. Adopted changes that simplify public notification, exempt certain actions, provide for immediate action in an emergency, expand the existing list of sources for determining the location of floodplains and wetlands, and allowing floodplain and wetland assessments for actions proposed to be taken under CERCLA to be coordinated with the CERCLA environmental review process rather than the NEPA process. Adopted a conforming change to 10 CFR 1021.313(c) to allow for issuance of a floodplain statement of findings in a final EIS or separately.