CX-000495: Categorical Exclusion Determination

M-Area Chemical Oxidation (MACO) - Installation of Southern Sector Coreholes and Monitoring WellsDate: 06/15/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

June 15, 2009
minute read time
M-Area Chemical Oxidation (MACO) - Installation of Southern Sector Coreholes and Monitoring Wells

Date: 06/15/2009
Location(s): Aiken, South Carolina
Office(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office

Installation of three groundwater monitoring wells and four borings for the M-Area Chemical Oxidation project at the M-Area Southern Sector at the Savannah River Site.


CX-000495.pdf (479.81 KB)