Environmental Sustainability

The Environmental Management System (EMS) has two areas of focus: environmental compliance and environmental sustainability. This page addresses sustainability.

Environmental sustainability means to create and maintain conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony and that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and environmental needs of present and future generations.

To achieve the objectives and goals identified in Executive Orders and Memos, DOE Order 430.1C, Chg 2, DOE Order 436.1A, and the DOE Sustainability Plan, LM implemented teams to address the following sustainability areas:

Environmental Management System (EMS) Team Globe

EMS Sustainability Teams

EMS sustainability teams consist of a team lead, an LM advocate, an LMS senior management champion, and other knowledgeable employees. Each sustainability team is responsible for these activities:

  • Implementing, managing and promoting their individual sustainability area.
  • Identifying a specific achievable mission, along with metrics to assist in evaluating progress toward the required objectives.
  • Reporting progress quarterly and annually.

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Focus Areas:


Ecosystem Management Team
The team supports LM in DOE initiatives regarding ecological health, conservation, land reuse, and land management.

Electronics Stewardship
The team promotes sustainable management of LM’s electronic equipment, as deemed appropriate for LM operations and approved by LM.

The team establishes an energy conservation program, as deemed appropriate for LM operations and approved by LM.

The team affirms the overall DOE commitment to plan for and manage the short- and long-term effects of environmental events.

Sustainable Acquisition
The team establishes a national approach to expand purchases of sustainable goods and services, including biobased products, as appropriate for LM.

Sustainable Buildings
The team evaluates and incorporates the requirements for sustainable buildings, as deemed appropriate for LM operations and approved by LM.

Vehicle and Fuel Use
The team evaluates and incorporates the requirements for vehicle and fuel use, as deemed appropriate for LM operations and approved by LM.

Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention
The team supports efforts that promote a more sustainable environment and implements pollution prevention activities, as appropriate for LM.

Water Conservation
The team establishes a water conservation program focused on implementing water efficiency measures, including stormwater management, as appropriate for LM.